Thursday, September 27, 2007

rainbows over the gatch

So yesterday i storm blew in while i was sitting at my desk working. when i looked up and out my window this is what i saw. the rainbow is directly over the gatch. it only lasted for about 5 minutes but it was so amazing and bright and hopeful. i think sometimes i forget that hope can come so suddenly and without warning and then be gone. i guess that is why God tells us to remember because the rainbow only lasted for five minutes. but the memory of the rainbow can give us hope forever.
i love that in her childhood beth loved rainbows and people would give them to her all the time. i love that one time when i was really young my mom and us tried to find the end of the rainbow. we drove around tying to look for it. i love that the wmf staff sent me a card with personal birthday wished written in made me feel loved. i love my english friend lilly and allistar. i love that my friend said that she can see changes in my and that i am softer than i used to be.....yeah!!!!!


Liz said...

i love the new blue!

angela said...

love you buddy. glad that you are blessed with hope. and thanks for your sweet words and the beautiful gifts.....i felt loved!