Sunday, March 2, 2008

Power Ballads

so my mom comes in two and 1/2 days!! can you believe it. i am so excited that i am having a hard time planning the details and staying focused about actually working.
however, i was in the coffee shop today and i heard the song "silent lucidity". do you guys remember that song? i couldn't remember who sang it so i went to i tunes and its qeenryche. do you guys remember them??? i found this amazing collection called "Power Ballads: The Basics" and if you are of my generation you have to take a listen. It brings back sooo many memories. Its middle and high school all over again.
bon jovi, scorpions, bryan adams, poison....its so good.
i am a sucker for music that makes me remember.

had a good weekend. i have to admit out loud that yesterday i watched 7 hours of grey anatomy. wow. that is a lot of freakin television folks. and the thing is i don't ever want to own a tv because i tend to watch it all the time if i have it....but i guess it doesn't matter, tv, vcr, all sucks me in!!!

i love grey's anatomy 2nd season. i love that my mom and i just talked for an hour about really nothing even though i am going to see her in two days. i love tha tmy mom is going to get to smell, taste, hear and experience india for herself. i love that my hair is cute and curly today. i love that my mom makes me laugh. i love that i feel like God is breaking off of me lies i belive about who i am. i love that i looked at an "us" magazine i found at a bookstore yesterday from jan and i didn't know any of the names of movies or the new movie stars.

1 comment:

Courtney Patch said...

I am SO excited for you that your mom is coming!!! Amazing. Cana't wait to hear about it!!! Also, I have to confess that I too have sat down and watched that much Gray's Anatomny. Ange and I spent a Friday night like that, on more than one occassion. And I THINK almost went through a whole bottle of wine. Those dvd collections are dangerous!!! heheh LOVE YOU Keen.